
American Standard 3341001.020 – Huron 1.6 gpf EverClean Flushometer Toilet

SKU: 3341001.020

USD$ 354.89

  • CAD: CAD$459.75

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Floor mount rear outlet elongated flushometer toilet with angle back and base and integral seat Vitreous china Space-saving 24-7/8″ from wall to front of bowl 17-1/8″ rim height for accessibility High efficiency, low consumption universal design operates in the range of 1.28 to 1.6 gpf (4.8 to 6.0 Lpf) Permanent EverClean antimicrobial surface inhibits the growth of stain- and odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew on the surface Siphon jet flush action Fully glazed 2″ trapway 12″ x 10″ water surface area 1-1/2″ inlet spud 4 bolt capsRecommended working pressure – between 30 psi at valve when flushing and 80 psi staticFixture only, less seat and flushometer valve

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Additional information

Weight 66.600 lbs
Dimensions 27.813 × 16.000 × 19.813 in

